~~~~ small update posted 06-24-10, scroll down to the * (asterisk)~~~~
I thought I'd be back to regular blogging after reformatting my hard drive twice, but alas, it wasn't meant to be. I'm still here; praise the Lord, but my desktop computer is, I'm afraid, about to die and my laptop won't even turn on. But, thankfully, I found the receipt for it and just faxed it in to HP tonight. I don't know what to expect, but hopefully, they will help me make it live again!
This past winter I put sunflower seeds out for the little birdies. They must have loved me because I made sure they had seed every morning. They would be sitting and singing in the trees outside my door at dawn, waiting for daylight to come so they could start their feast!
*I added a few more pics on 6-24-10, I'm still having major computer issues, but, I should at the minimum have a laptop back home and working within a week! Yay! Can't wait to share what I've been up to since my last post! I have some amazing photos to show of a little sight-seeing tour I guided in early June! p.s.-Don't you love the looks those 2 birds above are giving each other? Serious attitudes in such little bodies! Isn't God amazing in his design right down to the smallest details?
Please pray for Adrienne and the sweet baby boy she has been blessed with. Pray that the baby will live to full term and that he will be born whole and healthy. Thank you! If you aren't familiar with Adrienne's story, get some kleenex and click the link above. Don't worry; there are tears of happiness in her story too!
I have been thinking about switching to an Apple computer, or Mac or whatever, I never know what the difference is between the two. But, I'm scared to because of a: the cost and b: I don't know how hard it is to transition over to one after only having PC experience. Any thoughts? or personal experience? I will be back (as soon as I get a computer to work)!