Friday, November 26, 2010

Home of The Glorious Gecko, Indeed

We are blessed to have stayed at the Hale Kei Ka'ala
(Home of the Glorious Gecko).
Isn't this home beautiful?  The owners really have thought of everything here. 

 The local residents have been keeping us entertained!

We are thankful for an awesome vacation so far!

But, we will miss this when we leave!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


1 Corinthians 12-13
12 Now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.  13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Thank you, God, for giving me my wonderful, amazing, loving, forgiving, incredible husband.  Thank you Jesus Christ for providing for our needs, and continuing to bless us beyond anything we can imagine. 

  There is none like you Lord.  We know that we fall short of Your glory and we could never do anything in our flesh to be worthy of You, but as our friend, Frank Hobbs, always says,
 "You never were worthy." 

Thank you, Jesus for sacrificing your life to redeem our eternal souls.  Thank you that it is as simple as confessing with our tongues that You are our Lord and Savior.

Today is our 5 year wedding anniversary.  I have never been more blessed in my life. 

Today, we are both especially thankful to be in this place in our lives where God has placed us.  It may not be a perfect or easy life, but as we know from our experiences of living in this world, it's far better to be in this life with Him than without Him.

Honey, I want you to know how special you are to me.  Thank you for all of the little things you do.  And the big things, too!!!  And for always helping me when I need it (which seems like always)!!   I love you with my whole heart and I always will. 
Happy Anniversary!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Getting Used to Life in the Islands....





Sunday, November 21, 2010

New Pictures Posted on My Photography Page

I posted some new pics to my photography page (on the top right hand side of my blog under the "home" link).  Check them out!  Hopefully, I will have some awesome Hawaii photos to share soon, too!  My memory card reader does not appear to be working right now, so I believe it may be a conspiracy to make me focus on my vacation and not on blogging!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

I'm Sure You Have Probably Seen This....

If you're a mom (or not!) and you haven't heard Anita Renfroe's summary of everything a mom says in 24 hours set to the tune of the William Tell Overture, you have to watch this video!  It is hilarious!

I just love that!  She nailed right on the head!  It always make me laugh!  Aloha


Monday, November 8, 2010


Today is November-the-8th.  The 8th of November.  11-08-2010.  The 8th of NOVEMBER!! 

This is what was in my grocery store tonight:
iPhone picture!
Are you kidding me?  Marketing Christmas already?  Please don't get me wrong, I love celebrating our Savior's birth.  But this?  This is too sudden for me.  What do you think? 


Friday, November 5, 2010

Snow, Snow Go Away....

I think know I'm in denial that winter is here.  I (still) am not ready.  And I realize that my elementary anti-snow chant won't work....but I know what will:

Hawaii for 2 weeks!  Yay.  It's getting closer. 

We will gladly trade this
for this  
And we will, very soon!

On a more serious note, my dear husband had to have oral surgery today.  He went in for a tooth-ache and the dentist ended up pulling a wisdom tooth that had four roots, in addition, the roots were wrapped around the jaw bone.  Yuck and ouch.  He is doing good right now and I praise Jesus Christ.  We would appreciate your prayers for a fast recovery and healing.  Thank you!    

