Monday, December 6, 2010

Some Lessons I Learned On My Vacation To Hawaii........

1.) It is better not to lose your Driver's License between your departure airport and your arrival airport. (Oops.)

2.) Car rental companies do not rent cars to people without their Driver's License.  (Ok, I knew that lesson already, but I had a refresher course in Honolulu!)

3.) It's a huge relief when you find your lost Driver's License when you get to the hotel and desperately go through every inch of your luggage.  Yay!

Giant Cockroach - seriously.  It was at least 3 inches long, not including the antennae.  And they fly. Yuck.

4.)  Cockroaches prefer chocolate chip cookies to banana bread. 

5.)  Cockroaches eat holes in paper towels that have chocolate chip cookies on them.

6.)  It's easier to wait until it's dark outside to postively determine if your car is infested with cockroaches.

 How do I know this?

 I know this because our first rental car on the Big Island was apparently infested with a smaller variety of cockroach than the giant one pictured above (which, incidentally, was photographed at the exclusive Mauna Kea Beach Hotel).  I mean, really, really infested.  Thankfully, the car rental company happily exchanged the car for us when my husband went back.  (Thank you Honey!) 

 I digress...

8.) I do not care for the new TSA pat-down procedure, which I am now *unfortunately* intimately familiar with.   Even if I wanted to describe on my blog exactly how intrusive this procedure was, I couldn't do it because it is too vulgar.  The part that was most disturbing to me?  That I was forced to be separated from my husband against my will.  I could see him, but he was at least 20 or 30 feet away from me, separated by officials and equipment.  We were on our way home, for crying out loud.  Is this even my country anymore?  May God have mercy on us all.

9.)  I am blessed to have the best husband in the world! (Thank You, Lord Jesus)

10.)I had a good time on vacation, but there truly is no place like home.  
(i-phone pic from my truck)

....Even if it is only 1 degree outside!