Saturday, January 15, 2011

2011 Siesta Scripture Memory Verse 2

This week, I want to memorize a verse that I hold dear to my heart because I have seen the evidence of  it at work in my own life :

But Jesus said to them, "Because of your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. But from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE.  FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh.  What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate."
- Mark 10:5-9
New Standard American Bible

I have the John MacArthur Study Bible and in the footnotes John says that "become one" literally means "to be joined" or "to glue".  My husband and I call it "God Glue".  

Before we got married, we both thought our married life would be easy.  A piece of cake.  A walk in the park.  Effortless.  Perfect!

  But The Bible tell us that marriage is harder.  We were both aware of this, but assumed that because of our superior oneness with each other, God would just give us a pass on all the hard stuff.  Boy, were we ever wrong!  We have definitely have had our share of troubles.  And health issues.  

I want to memorize this verse and then next month I'll start working on verses that deal with healing since both my husband and I are having health concerns.  My husband re-injured an old injury in his back recently and it has really been causing him a lot of pain.  I noticed a swollen lymph node in my armpit area and then my husband developed 3 swollen lymph nodes in his armpits!  (We are one!) Hopefully, our bodies are just fighting off something and we will not be sick for any prolonged period of time.  In my case, I'm a little more concerned because I have been losing my hair like crazy the last four or six months.  Weird.  I did see my doctor last week and I'll go again next week to see the results of my lab work, so hopefully there will be some answers.  

Also, I will most likely be having surgery next month due to my bladder prolapsing.  If you read Pioneer Woman's blog, you've probably heard her discuss this problem!  Basically, because of a prior surgery, my bladder is kind of falling out, or kinked.  I have already had one surgery to fix this, but apparently I need another one.  

This will be the 7th surgery I've had in my 37 short years.  At least I will get hospital ice.  Everybody I know thinks I'm weird because I like to chew on the ice at the hospital!  I would gladly go to Sonic Burger for their ice, but we don't have Sonic Burger's in Alaska, much to my sadness!   But, Praise God for letting me live in such a time that has developed such marvelous technology.  If I had lived 500 years ago, I never would have seen my 21st birthday because my appendix would have burst and killed me!  Thank God for life-saving medical advances.  

When I was two years old, I was diagnosed with Wolfe Parkinson White syndrome, or WPW.  WPW is a heart arrhythmia (tachycardia) that causes your heart to sometimes beat at high rates (200 -300 beats per minute), similar to Stellen at McMama's blog.  The doctors at that time told my mother that the only chance of fixing my heart would be through open heart surgery, when I was older.  I'm thanking God again, because not only did I have not have to have open heart surgery, but it actually took two surgeries to correct the problem.  They did the surgery with a catheter (through the veins) and a laser.  We are all so blessed to be alive in the world today!   

I also want to Praise God for Bennett's progress!  I'm so happy for Adrienne that she will finally get to bring her sweet baby home.  Praise God!

P.S. - I have found that keeping my memory verse under the cover of my iPhone is very helpful!  I don't have my spiral yet, so this is how I improvised:

It works in a pinch!  I haven't had time to download the new LPM app yet either!



MT said...

Get that app loaded I did. Praying for you and your husband's health issues.