The more I think about my recent experience with TSA in the Honolulu Airport, the more I become convinced that anyone wishing to travel in this country has been deemed guilty until proven innocent by the TSA and our lawmakers.
I can't conceive of the reason for the violation of my person by the TSA agents who selected me for the x-ray machine, (which I politely declined), who tried to intimidate me into doing the scanner, and who ulitmately delivered the most personal assault I have ever experienced in my 37 years of life. It was an assault on my integrity, largely insulting, hugely intimidating and has left me quite traumatized.
I think most certainly there is an abuse of power and position going on. How did American citizens lose the ability to move around the country freely without being subject to invasive body searches by authorities?
Can't we find a better way to handle air safety without humiliating every American, espcially children, the handicapped and the elderly? I'm sure air security could be handled in a way that would cost less and in a more secure way (and with less bodily invasion) than what we are currently doing.
I think that it is time to seriously consider firing all incumbents in D.C.. Will we stop this madness? Can we stop this madness? What do you think? What have your TSA experiences been like? How do you feel about this subject? Please leave a comment if you have any ideas or stories to share. Thanks!

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