Thursday, March 4, 2010

Do I Know Sarah Palin? Well.......Sort of I Guess

The number one question I am asked, as soon as someone from the Lower 48 (the Continental U.S.) finds out that I am in Alaska is, "Do you know Sarah Palin?"  The answer is yes.  But I'm not sure she'd say she knows me! 

Back in 2004, I had an opportunity to participate in a unique fundraiser for the Susan G. Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer Research.  It was a unique fundraiser because it was a group of women, one of them a famous dog-musher and breast cancer survivor, DeeDee Jonrowe, who rode snowmobiles from Mt. McKinley (the tallest mountain in North America) all the way into Anchorage.  It was the "2004 Polaris Way Out Women Relay", which officially started in Alaska and ended in New York! 

Here's a picture of our group:
It was about a 250 mile trip, but very special, as snowmobiles are never allowed to be operated within the city.  We had to obtain all kinds of special state and city permits and even had to have police escorts for the last leg of the trip (from Knik River to the termination point at the Alaska Railroad Depot in downtown Anchorage). You can read an article about it at or by clicking here

Some riders from our group with Mt. McKinley in the background:
(we were 11 air miles from the base of the mountain at this point of the trip)
And me with my snowmachine a little ways into the beginning of the trip, McKinley in the background:
I normally have dark hair, but I went blonde for a time.  I don't know how you girls do it year in and year out. It seemed like I was always at the beauty shop getting my roots done and it was so expensive!
So, our group started at Mt. McKinley, and then traveled to Wasilla, Alaska.  You know, Sarah Palin's hometown?  Well, her and her husband Todd joined the ride at this point.  This was back before she was Governor, but after she was Mayor of Wasilla, so she was sort of a mini-celebrity by Alaskan standards.

I know that even the mention of her name can spark great debate, but I will tell you about my personal experience with her.  I did spend a little time with her on this trip, at dinner and what-not. 

She is a very sincere, kind and generous person.  She is authentic and she is the very definition of a true Alaskan!  I like her very much.  I realize not everybody does, and to that, I say:  You are entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to mine. I respect your opinion, and would ask that you respect mine if you happen to differ from how I feel about her. 

And with that, I'll also say: "Go Sarah Go"!
