Mercy Me is coming to Anchorage this weekend and we just got tickets! I think their new song "All of Creation" puts man's relationship with God and Jesus Christ in quite clear perspective. Below is just a link hear the song, not to their video.
Mercy Me - All of Creation - The best song ever!
Separated until the veil was torn
The moment that hope was born
and guilt was pardoned once and for all
Captivated but no longer bound by chainsleft at an empty grave
the sinner and the sacred resolved
and all of creation sing with me now
lift up your voice and lay your burden down
and all of creation sing with me now
fill up the heavens let his glory resound
Time has faded and we see him face to face
every doubt erased forever we will worship the king
{repeat chorus}
ooohh ah ooohh...ohh ah ohh
the reason we breathe is to sing of his glory
and for all he has done praise the father praise the son and the spirit in one
{repeat chorus 2x}
and every knee will bow oh and ebery tongue will praise the father praise the sone and the spirit in one
"ALL OF CREATION LYRICS" are the property of the respective authors, artists and labels, the lyrics are provided for educational purposes only. If you like the song, please buy relative CD to support MercyMe and authors, etc..
I am excited to go to their concert. I have heard that they are a good band to see live. I can't wait!
P.S. - I am working on the final installment of our first date/wedding day now! We serve an awesome God and I pray that He will help you know Him more through hearing my testimony. If any of you girls out there are waiting for husbands, hang in there! God will give you the person He made for you if you just wait, I promise! I was married at 32 and I couldn't imagine my life without my very best friend in the world, my husband John. He was definitely worth the wait!
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