@@@@ Don't forget to enter my Easter Contest, click here!!! @@@@
I haven't been able to post much this week because I am having major PC Blues. I am in the process of moving all of my files off of my desktop and onto a portable hard drive because I did something really bad to my PC. When that is completed, I will have to re-install Windows, or write zeros to my hard drive, or reformat my drive or whatever the correct terminology is.
I have not been a faithful backer-upper and now I am suffering the consequence. Is there anyone else, or have I been the only one with terribly frustrating computing experiences lately? It's never good to get any kind of error message every time you open a web browser, or program, or email, or document or .....you get the picture.
Please wish me luck as I tackle this dismal and sometimes frightening endeavor of erasing all the programs and files from my hard drive and re-installing the operating system. It's times like these that I seriously consider switching to Apple. I was *this* close to upgrading to Windows 7, until I found out that in their wisdom, Microsoft eliminated Outlook Express from their new product. Why is it that companies always think that an improvement is getting rid of popular features?
As a matter of fact, if you leave me a comment on this post, you'll be entered to win a $25.00 Amazon gift card! Just answer this question:
Are you a PC or a Mac?
Just a little token of my appreciation for your being patient while I undergo the equivalent of a heart transplant on my PC!! Contest ends this Sunday, March 21, 2010!!!
PC.. have never backed up my files.Really nust do that. have been hearing about some off line service that does the back-up for you.I have put most of my pics on cd'. You have some beautiful scenery pics.
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