Thursday, February 25, 2010

Our Wedding Story....Part 2 of 3

If you missed the beginning of our story... 
click here to read Part 1
click here to read Part 3 

So, as John was busy building the business, I was working for him full time after getting fired from a job that I loved (snowmobile dealership) and we became fast friends. 

We both had boys at around the same age (they were 5 & 7).  We were both single parents whose former partners were no longer involved in our sons' lives.  We both went to church, although, I admit, John was more committed than me.  I allowed myself an out, and it was that if anything was weird or felt funny, I was outta there!  Well, it didn't take long for God to begin to move near me (and within me too) and I bolted.   

I worked for John for about a year, until we had huge fight and I quit.  (Funny how those two events, quitting church and quitting John coincided.)  About a week after I quit working for John, I reluctantly answered an anonymous ad in the daily paper (no Craigslist or internet job sites back then!) for a CPA firm looking for a bookkeeper. 

I couldn't possibly imagine anything duller or more boring than working at a CPA firm.  It was the last place I would normally seek out a job, but I did have my son to think about feeding.  I was on the verge of accepting another offer when I got a phone call from the CPA asking me to come to his office for an interview.  I figured I might as well go check it out.  The worst thing that could happen is they wouldn't offer me a job, so no big deal either way.

During the interview, the CPA was extremely interested in knowing all about the work I did at my job previous to the one at the transmission shop.  You know, the one I was fired from. He asked me all kinds of questions and then he spilled his guts.  Little did I know, but I was actually being interviewed for the same job that I had been fired from a year earlier at the competing dealership in town! 

The CPA asked me to go across town to the dealership and interview with his three other partners!  I was so elated!  I just knew I had the job in the bag!  And I did.  I recently had my 10 year anniversary there this last Thanksgiving. 

It was another huge blessing from God, in many ways.  I was able to get group health insurance through the dealership, whereas John was too small an operation and couldn't afford such benefits.  It turned out that I needed it.  I've had many illnesses and eventual surgeries over the last 10 years, but more on that subject later!

I don't remember exactly how it happened, but John and I made up from our fight after I quit and I resumed being his part-time bookkeeper.  It was probably around January 15th of that next year!  Ha!  (For those of you not familiar with bookkeeping, IRS quarterly payroll returns and employee statements are due at the end of every January).  No matter how many fights we had over the years, and there have been some doosies too, one thing was always guaranteed, John and I would be reconciled by the end of each quarter!  (Ha Ha! Reconciled! Accountant's joke, get it?)

It's getting late and I need to get some rest...I promise to continue Part III this weekend early next week! 

Also, I am serious about the Bibles.  My husband has said many times, "If just two other people in town were doing what I do (Bible distribution), we'd have the whole town saved by now!"  Please help me get the word out about the Bibles.  Spread the word at your church!  Recommend my site to your blog-reading friends, or even your blog-writing friends!  Let's do something together to further the Kingdom of God!

And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." - Mark 16:15
